Linux 中的沙箱技术
Chroot jail
通常来说,提到 chroot 一般有两个含义,chroot (1) 是/usr/bin/chroot, chroot (2) 是 glibc 中的一个函数。
Chroot (1)
Chroot - run command or interactive shell with special root directory
Chroot (2)
Chroot - change root directory
Int chroot (const char *path);
Chroot 的主要功能就是改变根目录,如运行 chroot “/home/atum/newroot/” 会启动一个新的 shell,且目录”/home/atum/newroot/”成为该 shell 下的新的根目录”/”。
chroot 沙箱可以将进程对文件的访问限制在一个指定的目录中,但是由于 chroot 不是一个安全的 feature,所以该沙箱可能会被逃逸出来。关于 chroot 沙箱逃逸的方法在这里
Restricted bash
Rbash 的主要作用是限制了部分 bash 命令,其作用之一就是使得 bash 只能执行当前目录下的可执行文件,且不允许改变当前工作目录。
If bash is started with the name rbash, or the -r option is supplied at invocation, the shell becomes restricted. A restricted shell is used to set up an environment more controlled than the standard shell.
1 | atum@ubuntu:~$ rbash |
Rbash 的绕过方法也有很多,通常跟 chroot 配合使用
Ptrace 是一个系统调用,tracer 进程可以使用 ptrace 监控和修改 tracee 进程的运行状态,如内存、寄存器的值等。
Long ptrace (enum __ptrace_request request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data);
The ptrace () system call provides a means by which one process (the “tracer”) may observe and control the execution of another process (the “tracee”), and examine and change the tracee’s memory and registers.
使用 ptrace 可以让某一进程处于受控状态,所以可以用作实现沙箱,如我们可以利用 ptrace 来监控 tracee 使用哪些系统调用,并组织 tracee 使用某些危险的系统调用等。
Seccomp 是 linux 提供的一种沙箱机制,可以用来限制程序可以使用和不可使用的系统调用
Seccomp (short for secure computing mode) is a computer security facility in the Linux kernel. Seccomp allows a process to make a one-way transition into a “secure” state where it can only make user configured system calls
Seccomp 沙箱主要有两种模式,SECCOMP_SET_MODE_STRICT 只运行调用 4 个系统调用 read (2), write (2), _exit (2), sigreturn (2) 四个系统调用,而 SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER 则允许通过 BPF 指定系统调用的黑名单或者白名单
The only system calls that the calling thread is permitted to make are read (2), write (2), _exit (2) (but not exit_group (2)), and sigreturn (2).
The system calls allowed are defined by a pointer to a Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) passed via args.
Seccomp 本身是一种很安全的技术,但是在 SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER 环境下通常会因为 BPF 使用不正确导致沙箱存在被绕过的可能。
Linux 中的容器技术
Operating-system-level virtualization is a server virtualization method in which the kernel of an operating system allows the existence of multiple isolated user-space instances, instead of just one. Such instances, which are sometimes called containers, software containers
- 资源隔离:隔离计算资源,如 CPU、RAM、DISK 等。
- 控制隔离:隔离一些控制结构,如 UID、PID 等
与 Namespace
资源隔离依赖于 linux 内核的 Cgroup 实现,控制隔离依赖于 linux 内核的 namespace
The Linux kernel provides the cgroups functionality that allows limitation and prioritization of resources (CPU, memory, block I/O, network, etc.) without the need for starting any virtual machines, and also namespace isolation functionality that allows complete isolation of an applications’ view of the operating environment, including process trees, networking, user IDs and mounted file systems.
目前比较有名的容器均是基于 Cgroup 和 namespace 实现的:
- LXC:
LXC combines the kernel’s cgroups and support for isolated namespaces to provide an isolated environment for applications
- Docker
Docker containers are very similar to LXC containers, and they have similar security features. When you start a container with docker run, behind the scenes Docker creates a set of namespaces and control groups for the container.
Linux 中的 namespace 思想上跟 C++里面的差不多,通俗来说把一些全局的东西分割成很多份局部,而且使得处在局部里面的人以为自己是全局。
A namespace wraps a global system resource in an abstraction that makes it appear to the processes within the namespace that they have their own isolated instance of the global resource. Changes to theg lobal resource are visible to other processes that are members of the namespace, but are invisible to other processes. One use of namespaces is to implement containers.
目前最新版的 linuxkernel 支持 7 个命名空间
1 | Linux provides the following namespaces: |
命名空间相关的 API 以及用法示例:
clone: 创建一个新进程,并且可以根据 flag 创建新的命名空间。新创建的进程是该命名空间的 owner
1 | int clone(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack,int flags, void *arg, ...) |
setns 让当前进程加入一个已存在的命名空间。命名空间由 fd 指定,命名空间类型由 nstype 指定。
1 | int setns(int fd, int nstype); |
unshare 让当前进程离开当前的命名空间,然后创建并进入一个新的命名空间, 效果跟 clone 差不多,只不过 unshare 不会创建新的进程。
1 | int unshare(int flags); |
以上案例主要是以 PID NAMESPACE 为例,可以看得出 PID NAMESPACE 可以做到 PID 的隔离,其他 NAMESPACE 的用法类似,如 USER NAMESPACE 可以做到 UID 和 GID 的隔离,MOUNT NAMESPACE 可以做到文件系统的隔离等。
另外,创建除了 USER NAMESPACE 以外的 NAMESPACE 需要 root 权限,所以通常的做法是首先进入 USER NAMESPACE,这样就可以得到一个当前 USER NAMESPACE 下的 root user,再创建其他的 namespace
A process created via fork (2) or clone (2) without the CLONE_NEWUSER flag is a member of the same user namespace as its parent
A call to clone (2) or unshare (2) with the CLONE_NEWUSER flag makes the new child process (for clone (2)) or the caller (for unshare (2)) a member of the new user namespace created by the call
Cgroup 用来限制和监控进程对资源的使用
Control cgroups, usually referred to as cgroups, are a Linux kernel feature which allow processes to be organized into hierarchical groups whose usage of various types of resources can then be limited and monitored.
使用 Cgroup 限制资源(以 CPU 为例)
1 | 挂载指定cgroup |
Cgroup 以进程族 (process group) 为单位进行资源的限制,fork 产生的子进程会继承父进程的 cgroup。
A child process created via fork (2) inherits its parent’s cgroup memberships. A process’s cgroup memberships are preserved across execve (2).
另外,我们也可以使用 setrlimit prlimit 等系统调用来以单个用户或者单个进程为单位进行资源的限制,这两套资源限制的机制是独立生效的